Bellefontaine Road Commercial Improvement Plan

This Advisory Committee Partners with St. Louis County for Commercial Improvement

As many know, commercial development along Bellefontaine Road in Spanish Lake is concentrated around the Sierra Vista Plaza at I-270 and Belle Parke Plaza at Parker Road. Many have probably also noticed that while there has been some new construction and investment, there are numerous vacant lots, available retail space and areas of disrepair that can discourage patrons and detract from additional investment.

The St. Louis County Department of Planning is collaborating with an Advisory Committee to develop the Spanish Lake Bellefontaine Road Commercial Improvement Plan. In 1999, the Spanish Lake Community Area Study recommended further study of commercial activity throughout Spanish Lake and specifically along Bellefontaine. Intended as a reference and guide for future improvements, the Spanish Lake Bellefontaine Road Commercial Improvement Plan will outline strategies for future reinvestment and improvements to commercial properties in focus areas of Spanish Lake.

Currently, the Planning Department is collecting information about existing conditions and will look at best practices. The Plan aims to reflect the needs and concerns of the community. A group of 12 business owners and residents will serve on a Business Advisory Committee to represent community interests over the next few months as the plan is developed. The plan will also include a summary of a survey distributed to business owners and managers and will incorporate feedback from a community-wide design workshop.

The Plan will include data analysis, public input, and best practices research to support recommendations for a five-year action plan and to assess the feasibility of funding strategies. For more information or questions, please contact St. Louis County planner, Lori Fiegel at or at (314) 615-5413.

Update – February 2009

The Spanish Lake Business Members Group is establishing two subgroups to begin implementation of this plan. A South Node Group will be headed by Lou Clines, co-manager of Schnuck’s. A North Node group will be formed shortly.

If you are interested in participating, please contact the association’s voice mail at 741-4100.

Update – February 21, 2008
Spanish Lake – Bellefontaine Road Commercial Improvement Plan

After conducting several design workshops and interviews with commercial real estate professionals and business owners the St. Louis County Department of Planning will be discussing preliminary recommendations for the two commercial nodes along Bellefontaine Road. Recommendations are focused on physical improvements, attracting and retaining businesses, and increasing customer base. Based on feedback from a representative group of residents and business owners, the Planning Department will revise and further detail recommendations to be included in a draft document to be completed by the end of March 2008.

For questions, please contact Solana Rice at the St. Louis County Department of Planning at (314) 615-2529.

These folks worked with the County Planning Department staff in the development of this plan during 2007-2008.

Lou Clines, Co-Manager
Schnuck’s Sierra Vista #216

Joseph S. DiCarlo, Owner
Belle Parke Plaza
DiCarlo Enterprises, Inc.

Anthony DiCarlo, Owner
Belle Parke Plaza
DiCarlo Enterprises, Inc.

Nick DiCarlo, Owner
Belle Parke Plaza
DiCarlo Enterprises, Inc.

Dora R. Gianoulakis. President
Spanish Lake Community Association

Tonya M. Lloyd, Manager
Commerce Bank

Elveeta Macon, Agent, State Farm Insurance
Spanish Lake Commmmunity Association Board Member
Spanish Lake Commmmunity Association Business Members’ Group

Steve McIntyre, Resident
Retired, Owner, Balaban’s Restaurant

Michelle & Mike Miller
Miller’s Auto Repair Service, Inc.

William Stowers, Resident
Retired Executive, Boeing Corporation

James E. Williams, Jr., Owner
McDonald’s Restaurant – 11111 Bellefontaine, Spanish Lake

Kip Williams
Spanish Lake Commmmunity Association Board Member
Youth Counselor, Better Family Life

The Spanish Lake Bellefontaine Road Commercial Improvement Plan process is well underway. The St. Louis County Planning Department staff has conducted a series of design workshops with participation from nearly 80 homeowners, business owners and young people. The workshops were interactive sessions exploring current conditions, needed physical improvements and consumer preferences.

From A cursory analysis, a majority of participants do most of their shopping outside of Spanish Lake for a variety of reasons, but most prevalent was a lack of product selection and quality among Spanish Lake businesses. Many participants expressed the need for more small businesses as opposed to big box development. Common suggestions included attracting businesses like a grocer, a café/ice cream shop and a hardware store.

Participants also used maps to identify places that need physical improvements like lighting, street furniture and landscaping. There were many participants who agreed that community services like a library and a community center were also lacking in Spanish Lake. The Planning Department staff will compile this feedback onto maps and into a report and conduct research to inform preliminary recommendations for the Commercial Improvement Plan. The staff will present those recommendations to the Business Advisory Committee in the coming months.

11840 Bellefontaine Rd

Spanish Lake, MO


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